Woosage50 Errors and Warnings

Woosage50 Errors and Warnings

The following is a list of processing exceptions (errors and warnings) along with a more detailed explanations and suggestions on how to resolve them. In most cases the message in the log file will provide enough information to identify the cause of the error or warnings. However, in rare cases you may need to look at the exception detail, which can be viewed as follows:
  1. Goto  Settings>Advanced
  2. Scroll down to Enable Debug and set toggle to Yes
  3. Click Save Settings
The Logs page will now show more detail in the Exception column.
Note: rather than scrolling down the list, specific error and warnings explanations can be accessed from the On this page section in the side-bar on the right.

InfoWork in progress - the error & warning codes are being added to this article and links are being included in the log entries, which is a time-consuming process. In the meantime please contact support for assistance if the error code is not explained here.

Error 10001 - Failed to create sales order or invoice - can't connect to Sage

The order number specified in the message could not be imported to Sage because Woosage50 could not connect to Sage. If the order number is shown as [order_number] then this error has occured at the start of the order processing cycle and affects all orders. The exception detail may provided more information as to the reason.

This may be a temporary error caused by contention for Sage access, so if other orders are being processed by Woosage try changing the Export Status to Pending and Woosage will attempt to process the order on the next cycle. If the error reoccurs then it is likely to be a permanent error, which can be due to any of the following reasons:
  1. The Sage data has been moved or the data path has changed.
    1. RESOLUTION: amend the Sage data path in Woosage50 Settings>Sage 
  2. The Woosage user is already logged in to Sage, which sometime happens if Sage crashes while Woosage50 is connected.
    1. RESOLUTION: Check the Sage user list and if the Woosage50 user (normally called woosage) is showing force it off. You will need to login to Sage as Manager to do this.
  3. Sage is in exclusive mode. When Sage is running certain processes, such as period end or back-up, it requires exclusive use of the Sage data and won't allow Woosage50 to connect.
    1. RESOLUTION: change the Export Status to Pending and Woosage will attempt to process the order on the next cycle.
  4. The Sage version has changed.
    1. RESOLUTION: amend the Sage version in Woosage50 Settings>Sage. Note. you may nee to update Woosage50 (see Updating Sage)

Error 10002 - Unable to create sales invoice/order as SKU was not found in Sage

The order number specified in the message has a line item with a SKU code that is not in Sage, so the order cannot be processed.
RESOLUTION: correct the SKU code in the product and change the Export Status of the order to Pending, so Woosage will process the order on the next cycle.

Error 10003 - Failed to create sales order or invoice - Critical error

Woosage has encountered an unrecognised exception that is preventing the order form being processed. The exception detail may provided more information as to the reason and you may need to raise a support ticket.

Error 10004 - Line item in order has missing SKU

The order number specified in the message has a line item that does not have a SKU, so the order cannot be imported to Sage.
RESOLUTION: add a valid SKU code to the product and change the Export Status of the order to Pending, so Woosage will process the order on the next cycle.

Error 10005 - Customer order notes truncated

The order number specified in the message contains customer notes longer than 60 characters and they have been truncated. 
RESOLUTION: Check website order or new order email content for full customer note details.

Error 10006 - Website cannot be reached

The Woosage50 Service could not connect to the website. This may be a temporary issue and Woosage50 will try several times before failing.
RESOLUTION: Check the website and if unavailable contact your website administrator. If the website is available change the Export Status to Pending and Woosage will attempt to process the order on the next cycle.

Error 10007 - Stock not allocated to sales order

Woosage50 could not allocate stock to the order number specified in the message.
RESOLUTION: check the product on Sage to ensure there is available stock or that Allow Negative Stock is set in Sage>Company Preferences>Parameters (to allow backorders).

Error 10008 - Customer account could not be created in Sage - unable to create sales order or invoice

The order number specified in the message could not be processed as Woosage50 was unable to create a customer account in Sage. This may be due to an internal Sage error. 
RESOLUTION: Change the Export Status to Pending and Woosage will attempt to process the order on the next cycle. If the issue reoccurs contact support.

Error 10009 - No Sage Customer Account Code (no default) - unable to create sales order or invoice

The order number specified in the message could not be processed as Woosage50 was unable find a customer account in Sage.  This article explains How Sage Customer Account Codes are applied in Sage
RESOLUTION: The order number specified in the message could not be processed as Woosage50 was unable find a customer account in Sage. 
Woosage subscription are created using Zoho Subscriptions, which links to our accounting system Zoho Books ( both third-party applications), which automatically deals with collecting payments and emailing invoices and ensures continuous operation of Woosage50 over renewal periods.

The subscription is linked to the Woosage50 software application via the subscription Id, which is activated during installation or when a new subscription is being applied, and when the Woosage50Service is running it periodically checks that there is a valid subscription in place (at least once per day).

If there is a payment issue (card expired, declined etc) you will be notified and Zoho will attempt to retry the payment over the next 3 days, during which time Woosage50 will continue to operate. However, if the 3rd retry fails the subscription will be cancelled and you will need to ensure the card issue has been resolved before creating a support ticket requesting the creation of a new subscription.

Warning 10011 - Zoho subscription API Error

The Woosage50Service is unable to validate the subscription due to an API error, which is usually because teh Zoho Subscription is unavailable and Woosage50 will attempt several retries.  This is usually a temporary error, which Woosage50 recovers from when the API is accessible.  In the meantime it relies on the encrypted subscription details held in the Windows Registry unless the stored expiry date has past, which will then cause it to stop with an error. 
RESOLUTION: This will usually be resolved when the Zoho Subscription becomes available, so no action is necessary.

Warning 10012 - Subscription activation Failed

The Woosage50Service is unable to activate the subscription and Woosage50 will attempt several retries.  If the retries fail then then Woosage will stop with an error.
RESOLUTION: This may be resolved on retry, so no action is necessary.

Error 10013 - Subscription already active on [website URL]

The subscription Id is already active on the website URL shown in the message, so cannot be activated and Woosage50 will stop  This error will is usually encountered when a website is moved from a staging/development URL to the live URL.
RESOLUTION: Create a support ticket as the subscription must be reset.

Error 10017 - Subscription validation failed

Woosage is unable to validate the subscription, so processing has been suspended.
RESOLUTION: Create a support ticket as the subscription Id may be incorrect.

Error 10021 - Remote service Machine ID or MAC address reverted to a previous setting - processing suspended

The remote service Machine ID and/or MAC Address has changed to a previous setting, which is indicative of multiple remote services being used, so processing has been suspended to avoid duplication. 
RESOLUTION: If the remote service was moved to another device it may not have been uninstalled, so speak to your IT provider. If it has been moved back to the previous device or the ID/MAC has been changed, contact Woosage Support to reset this setting. This article provides further information on Resolving Remote Service Issues.

Error 10026 - Stock update contained no valid data

This is likely to occur becauset he products that Woosage50 was trying to update were drafts and the setting to ignore drafts is enabled.  It can also occur because there were no valid SKUs in this particular update request (i.e. the SKUs didn't exist on the website).
RESOLUTION: This can be ignored if you have Ignore Drafts enabled in the products settings.  Otherwise, contact Woosage Support. 

Error 10034 - Undefined subscription error

There was an undefined error whilst updating the subscription details.
RESOLUTION: Woosage will attempt too update the subscription details again, but if the error persists create a support ticket with details of the exception message

Warning 10052 - Default SKU replace line item SKU not found in Sage

The order number specified in the message has a line item that does not have a SKU, which would normally prevent the order being imported to Sage. However, as you have specified that a default SKU will be used in this situation, then the order has been imported and this message is just to alert you this as it could be a typographical error that need correcting.
RESOLUTION: add a valid Sage SKU code to the product and change the Export Status of the order to Pending, so Woosage will process the order on the next cycle.

Error 10072 & 10073 - Invalid subscription status

Woosage has found that the subscription status is invalid during validation(not live, trial, dunning or non-renewing). This is usually because a subscription has expired or been cancelled.
RESOLUTION:  Correct the status or create a support ticket to request a new subscription.

Error 10074 & 10075 - Subscription API error

The is a subscription API error has not been recognised by Woosage and the detail of the will be in the exception message.
RESOLUTION: the error automatically creates a support ticket, so will be investigated and resolved by Woosage support. 

Warning 10083 - Subscription API call failed, license not valid. Overridden by config date setting.

This warning will be reported when Woosage was unable to connect to Zoho Subscriptions in cases where the issue has persisted and support have issued a temporary config file with a subscription expiry date.
RESOLUTION: No action needs to be taken as Woosage is using the temporary expiry data until the subscription can be validated.

Error 10087 - Fatal error during Woosage REST API Request

Woosage encountered a fatal error when attempting to access you webit using the Woosage API. 
RESOLUTION: Contact you web agency or developer urgently to resolve this issue, as it may be affecting the user experience on your website and maybe preventing order being placed.

Error 10088 - SDO Data Service Exception

The Woosage50Service has encountered an issue with the Sage Data Service.
RESOLUTION: please see this article.
Error 10089 - Missing Subscription ID - Service stopped
The Woosage50Service has stopped as there is no subscription Id in Woosage50>Settings>General on the website.
RESOLUTION: Enter a valid subscription Id and Save Settings.  If Woosage50MonitorServcie is running it will automatically restart the Woosage50Service after around 10 minutes. Note, if you do not provide a subscription Id the service be repeatedly restarted by the Woosage50MonitorService and this message will be repeated.

Error 10089 - Missing Subscription ID - Service stopped

The Woosage50Service has stopped as there is no subscription Id in Woosage50>Settings>General on the website.
RESOLUTION: Enter a valid subscription Id and Save Settings.  If Woosage50MonitorServcie is running it will automatically restart the Woosage50Service after around 10 minutes. Note, if you do not provide a subscription Id the service be repeatedly restarted by the Woosage50MonitorService and this message will be repeated.

Warning 10092 - Subscription ID Missing

The subscription Id in Woosage50>Settings>General on the website has been removed, so the service is using the previous id for the time being. However, if this is not resolved it will stop the service.
RESOLUTION: Enter a valid subscription Id and Save Settings.  If Woosage50MonitorServcie is running it will automatically restart the Woosage50Service after around 10 minutes. Note, if you do not provide a subscription Id the service be repeatedly restarted by the Woosage50MonitorService and this message will be repeated.

Error 9998 - Unclassified Zoho Subscription exception

The is an unclassified subscription error has not been recognised by Woosage and the detail of the will be in the exception message.
RESOLUTION: the error automatically creates a support ticket, so will be investigated and resolved by Woosage support. 
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