Resolving Woosag50 Remote Service Issues

Resolving Woosag50 Remote Service Issues

The Woosage50 plugin on the website interacts with a Windows service that runs remotely on your local network. The service, called Woosage50Service, runs in the background and acts as a bridge between Sage and your website.  It runs continuously, checking the website for instructions and processing orders and updates, as required, then pauses for a time before repeating. 

Remote Service Disconnected

Occasionally, the website may indicate that the service is not being detected (displays Disconnected or Stopped) and this can be due to any of the following.
  1. Woosage50Service stopped - the service has been stopped. Use the Windows Services application to check the status and Start if necessary. If this happens frequently contact Woosage support.
  2. PC/server not runningthe PC or server on which the Woosage50Service is installed is not running. Switch on the PC or Server and the service will automatically start.

Remote Service Machine ID or MAC Address changed

The device that the Woosage50Service is installed on (PC or server) is identified by it's machine ID and it's MAC address, to prevent conflicts when service installations are moved.   The Woosage50Service sends these identifiers each time it connects to the website and the Woosage50 website plugin checks for changes and responds as follows.
  1. Machine ID/MAC Address has changed to a new value - Woosage50 will report a warning that may not require any action to be taken if ithe Woosage installation has been moved.
  2. Machine ID/MAC Address has reverted to a previous value - Woosage50 will report an error because there are possibly two services running.
If the error is reported, you will need to identify where the services are running as follows.
  1. Go to WooCommerce>Woosage50>Settings>Advanced
  2. Scroll down to Enable Debug Mode and set as Yes
  3. Click Save Settings
  4. On the same page click CTRL-F to open the browser search window
  5. Enter MAC and use the up/down arrows to locate the following debug information containing the current and previous (if any) machine IDs and MAC addresses 
    [_machine_id] => Array
            [0] => LIST OF MACHINE IDS

    [_mac_address] => Array
            [0] => LIST OF MAC ADDRESSES
This should provide the information required to identify the device with the unwanted Woosage50Service, which should be uninstalled via Windows>Settings>Apps.
Don't just Stop the service as it will automatically Restart if the device is rebooted,
Resolve the conflict before requesting Woosage support to reset the error, which will remove previous entries, leaving just the current Machine ID and MAC Address.

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