How Sage Customer Account Codes are Applied

How Sage Customer Account Codes are Applied

All website orders must be created in Sage against a particular Customer Account as a Sales Order or Sales Invoice and Woosage provides a number of methods for determining which Customer Account an order is allocated to.  Sage Customer Accounts are identified by an Account Code, which is used by Woosage to allocate an order to a Customer Account and is sometimes referred to as an SAC. 

In the absence of any other Customer Account Code, Woosage will use the Default Customer Account Code defined in the Customer Settings, but Woosage can also allocate orders by embedding the Customer Account Code in the website user profile (see Setting Sage Customer Account Codes via the Woosage Plugin). This Customer Account Code is then passed through with the order, provided that the customer was logged in at the time the order was placed.

Additionally, Woosage Professional offer the following features:
  1. Checking for existing Customer Accounts using billing email address and allocating the order to the Default Customer Account, if not found.
  2. Checking for existing Customer Accounts using billing email address and allocating the order if found, and to a new Customer Account, if not found.
  3. Checking for existing Customer Accounts using billing email address and allocating the order if found, and to a new Customer Account, if not found, but only creating a new Customer Account for customers logged in to the website at the time of placing the order.
The allocation of orders to Customer Accounts is prioritised in the following order:
  1. If an order contains a Customer Account Code from the customer's user profile, then this is used, regardless of the Customer Settings.
  2. If Check for Existing Sage Account is enabled in the Customer Settings and an existing Customer Account is found in Sage (by matching on billing email address), then it will be used.
  3. If no existing Customer Account is found and Sage Account Creation is enabled in the Customer Settings, then a new Customer Account will be created, unless Sage Account Creation for Logged In User Only is enabled in the Customer Settings AND the customer was not logged in at the time the order was placed. 
  4. If none of the above apply, then the Default Customer Account Code will be used.
The above settings and conditions can be summarised as follows.

Key to above table.
Sage Account Code for Customer
Indicates any state or Not Applicable
Use the SAC from the website user profile
Use the existing SAC found in Sage
Create new SAC and Customer Account to use
Use Default SAC from Customer Settings

Any combination of settings and conditions, other than those shown in the above table, would result in the order not being processed and an error being reported.

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