Woosage50 Troubleshooting
Website Logins - Two Factor Authentication (2FA)
Occasionally, we need to access your website to provide support and we use the user credentials that were created for installing Woosage are used for this purpose. Increasingly, website administrators are adding 2FA to improve security, which is ...
Woosage50 Subscriptions
Woosage subscription are created using Zoho Subscriptions, which links to our accounting system Zoho Books ( both third-party applications), which automatically deals with collecting payments and emailing invoices and ensures continuous operation of ...
Woosage50 Basic Troubleshooting
If you are having problems with Woosage50 you should carry out basic troubleshooting before raising a support ticket, and the following will help you identify the issue and how to resolve it. Checking the Logs If issue arise with Woosage50 the first ...
Forcing a Stock Reset
Woosage uses a local database to keep track of Sage stock changes and adds new products stock positions when added to Sage with PTW set. Following installation, under normal circumstances, Woosage will only push stock changes to the website if they ...
Issues with the Woosage50Service Connecting to the Website
Occasionally, we encounter issue when the Woosage50 Service tires to connect to the website, due to website security settings. Common causes and solutions are: Website blocks APIs – solution is to white list the API ...
Resolving Woosag50 Remote Service Issues
The Woosage50 plugin on the website interacts with a Windows service that runs remotely on your local network. The service, called Woosage50Service, runs in the background and acts as a bridge between Sage and your website. It runs continuously, ...
Sage Connection Issues
Woosage50 connects (logs on) to Sage using the Username and Password from Settings>Sage at the start of each operation within the processing cycles and disconnects (logs off) when that operation is complete. The Woosage50 login credentials from the ...
Woosage50 Website Cache Issues
Woosage50 has a REST API that the Woosage50 Service uses to transfer data to and from the website via the Woosage50 plugin and it is important that the API is not cached by your website. Websites can cache pages and other data at the server level or ...
Woosage50 compatibility with the 64-bit version of Sage 50 Accounts V30
Versions of Sage 50 Accounts from V30 onwards will be available as a 64-bit version to improve the performance and compatibility with other 64-bit applications. Sage are continuing to provide a 32-bit version but new version will no longer have ...
Woosage50 Errors and Warnings
The following is a list of processing exceptions (errors and warnings) along with a more detailed explanations and suggestions on how to resolve them. In most cases the message in the log file will provide enough information to identify the cause of ...
Woosage50 API
Introduction Woosage50 has its own REST API that is used by the Woosage50 Service to transfer data between the website and Sage. The Woosage50 API is an extension of the WordPress API and uses the endpoint https://WEBSITE-URL/wp-json/woosage/v1/ ...