Woosage50 Payment Settings

Woosage50 Payment Settings

Woosage50 can help with processing payments, allowing you to create the payment in Sage with the sales order or sales invoice, to be posted when the invoice is posted.

Payment Settings

The payment settings are shown below.

Configure the above settings as follows.
  1. Initially no payments are shown, so to configure one, click the Add Row + button.
  2. Use the Payment Method dropdown to select the payment method you want to configure (only payment methods enabled in WooCommerce will show in the dropdown list).
  3. In the Bank Nominal column, enter the Sage nominal code of the bank or credit card account.
  4. The Currency column will be automatically set to the website base currency, but it can be changed using the dropdown (Professional subscription only) and the website and payment method must be configured to process orders in the selected currency.
  5. The Payment Reference can be any of the following:
    1. Web order number - the reference will be a combination of the Customer Order Number Prefix in Settings>Orders and the website order number (default settings)
    2. Billing Name - the name of the person specified as Billing Name in the website order
    3. Billing Company - the Company Name from the website order, if present
    4. Custom - fixed text (e.g. Stripe Payment)
  6. Click the Add Row + button again to add another payment method (or the same method with a different currency, if your payment method supports it)
  7. When finished, click the Save Settings button.

Payment Processing

When the order is imported to Sage as a sales order or sales invoice, the payment will appear on the Payment tab as show below.

By default, the payment will be set to Post as Payment on Account and when the invoice is posted it will appear as activity on the customer's account. Optionally, you can have them set to Payment Already Received by selecting Yes on the option Mark sales order payments as already received under the Payment Settings heading.

If you have opted to import website orders as Sales Order, then they will need to be Despatched/Completed and the resulting Sales Invoice posted (Update Ledgers) for payments to be posted.

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