Woosage50 Orders Settings

Woosage50 Orders Settings

WooCommerce order are imported in to Sage according to the setting in Settings>Orders. The settings are shown below and this article provides additional information to supplement the tooltips.

Order status options - select all the status conditions for which Woosage50 will export orders to Sage.  The list will vary according to the available states on your website, including custom states. Woosage will only export an order once even if the state changes to another option that has been selected.
Order taken by - this is the text that you want to appear in the Sage order/invoice field of the same name. If left blank the Woosage username will be used.
Use PO Reference for Customer Order Number - if this is set to Yes, then the data in the _woosage_purchase_order custom field will be used in the Customer Order No. field in the Sage invoice/order, in place of the website order number. Note: to use this feature the custom field must be populated by your website developer.
Customer order number prefix - Unless the above PO Ref. is used, Woosage50 puts the website order number in the Customer Order No. field in the Sage invoice/order and the text in this settings is used as a prefix.
Import order as - Woosage50 can import order as sales order or sales invoice. If you are updating website stock from Sage, we recommend using sales orders as stock is not allocated to a sales invoice until it is posted using Update Ledgers.
Auto allocate stock to orders - set to Yes to automatically allocates stock to sales orders in Sage.
Ignore orders with zero total - if set to Yes, Woosage50 will not export an order with a zero total. This is useful if customers order free samples.
Use website product name - if set to Yes, Woosage50 will use the website product names for the Sage line items. Otherwise, the Sage product names are used.
Mark completed in WooCommerce - Set this to Yes to mark orders as completed when they have been exported to Sage. This would normally trigger an email to the customer, so it is primarily used for downloadable products that are not physically despatched.
Map Analysis field X - Used to populate Sage order analysis fields 1, 2 & 3 with WooCommerce order fields that are not exported by Woosage (e.g. Shipping Method). Additionally, you can select Custom meta field to enter the name of a 3rd party custom field by name in the next setting.
Custom meta field key for analysis field X - if the above setting is Custom meta field, then enter the name of the custom field to populate the Sage order analysis field with (e.g. the Stripe fee amount, which is _stripe_fee).

Important! When making any changes to the settings click the Save Settings button to apply the changes.

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