On rare occasions a Windows service can get stuck in the Stopping state. We have seen only seen this happen once to the Woosage Service and on this occasion the Service Status in the Utilities tab of Woosage Control Centre displayed as StopPending. Any Windows service in this state cannot be stopped or restarted using the Woosage Utilities buttons or via the Windows Services application, so if this occurs the we would recommend contacting Woosage support to assist. If this is outside support hours the instructions for resolution are below.
If the Woosage Service is in the StopPending state, as described above, then here's what you need to do:
Step 1 - Find the Process ID (PID)
Open a Windows Command prompt as an Administrator
Find the process ID (PID) by entering
sc queryex WoosageService
This will return a PID, which you should make a note of.
Step 2 - Kill the Process
Using the same Command prompt, kill the process by entering:
taskkill /f /pid XXXXX
where XXXXX is the the process ID from the last step.
The Woosage Service can now be restarted from the Woosage Control Centre Utilities tab.

Warning: be careful entering the PID as Killing an essential Windows services could force you to do a reboot.
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