Woosage50 Development Roadmap

Woosage50 Development Roadmap

Woosage50 is under continual development to cater for the following.
  1. Requests from clients - based on the number of clients requesting a new feature
  2. Updates to Sage 50 - new versions of Sage 50 Accounts
  3. Updates to website components - updates to WordPress, WooCommerce or supported 3rd party plugins
  4. Internal improvements - bug fixes and features to improve performance or aid support
The Roadmap lifecycle has the following steps
Ideas - list of all potential developments to be investigated for feasibility and popularity
Candidates - ideas being considered for inclusion that have been scoped and quantified along with any necessary updates and internal improvements
Release Specification - candidates to be included in the release specification
Development - production of test builds of the plugin and/or service components
Testing - release builds undergo rigorous testing, which may result in corrective development work
Beta - a build that may be produced for limited release and is only produced when one of more clients agree to test
Release Build - release made generally available for download and installation

Current Roadmap Outline

The current roadmap is outlined below.
Current Release
As at 1st July 2024 the current release is 2.5.

Next Release
Release 2.6 is in development & testing and will include the following key feature in addition to minor bug fixes and aesthetic improvements. Target for this release is Q3 24.
  1. Fee lines - support for fee line items in WooCommerce orders to be imported to Sage as S1 lines
  2. Cycles - a new tab showing a summary of the orders and products cycles duration and exceptions
  3. Help Links - additional links in exception log entries to locate article to assist in resolution
Candidates for Subsequent Release
Release 2.7 has the following candidates for inclusion in the final release specification. Target for this release is Q4 24.
  1. Stripe processing - improvements to processing Stripe payments to split the fee and post to a separate nominal
  2. Plugin updates - improvements to Woosage50 plugin update process to align with WordPress update process
  3. Memo Data - inclusion of product & customer memo data in website custom fields
  4. Help Links - additional links in exception log entries to locate article to assist in resolution
Note. candidates may not make the final release.

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