Website Connection Issues

Website Connection Issues

Occasionally, Woosage encounters problems with connection to the website or receiving information back from the website as the following is a list of potential problem areas.

Website server

The website may not be able to receive inbound API requests for the following reasons:
  1. The WooCommerce REST API is disabled - Make sure it is not disabled.
  2. There is a server firewall or account plugin that blocks requests from external IP addresses - Whitelist the IP address where Woosage resides

Local Network

Woosage may not be able to receive information from the website for the following reasons:
  1. The local network may have a firewall that in blocking incoming data from unlisted applications, unlisted IP addresses or certain ports - Allow Woosage through the firewall or whitelist the website IP address on port 443 (HTTPS traffic)
  2. There may be a virus checker that is blocking inbound data - Whitelist Woosage or uninstall the virus checker temporarily to test.

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