Troubleshooting Woosage Errors

Understanding Woosage Errors and Warnings


Errors and warnings are emailed to the address specified in the settings. The emails come from and the subject is Woosage Process Log Error Messages. The content of the email indicates the number of errors found and informs you that the details can be found in the Process Log in the Woosage Control Centre, shown below.

The Process Log columns are as follows:
Entry Date - The date and time of the error
Severity - The severity of the error (mainly used for internal purposes)
Class - Error or Warning
Error Codes - The error code relating to the issue (mainly used for internal purposes)
Log Message - A summary of the issue
Log Details - Further detail regarding the issue

Error Details

Below is a list of Error messages that may be generated by Woosage with a detailed explanation of the cause and possible solutions. 

Log Message
Log Details
Additional Information
ODBC Connection failed: WoosageToSage
ERROR [IM002] [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified
The Woosage installation requires that an ODBC Data Source Name is created for the Sage data path as WoosageToSage.
Sage Product processing failed
The server threw an exception. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80010105 (RPC_E_SERVERFAULT))

Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
This error is caused by the website being unavailable at some point in the processing cycle.  This can be for many reasons, such as maintenance, server error or website error.  When this happens Woosage will skip to the end of the current processing cycle and try again in the next cycle.
Order Processing Error
504 Gateway Time-out
Same as the above; the website cannot be reached at this time.
Order Processing Error
The given key was not present in the dictionary.
An unknown error occurred while processing an order. The order was not stored in the database and not processed to Sage. This error is caused by an unusual event or data item in the website order. Correct the error on the website and re-export.
Order Processing Error
Order 8159: Billing Address fields are greater than 60 chars and have been truncated
The order billing address in the website order is longer than 60 characters and has been truncated. 
Order Processing Error
Username is already in use
Woosage cannot connect to Sage as the Username is already in use.
Set Woocommerce Orders with Params Failed
Error establishing a database connection

Set Woocommerce Orders with Params Failed
524 Origin Time-out
This error is caused by the website being unavailable at some point in the processing cycle.  This can be for many reasons, such as maintenance, server error or website error.  When this happens Woosage will skip to the end of the current processing cycle and try again in the next cycle. 
Set Woocommerce Orders with Params Failed
Sorry, the page you are looking for is currently unavailable. Please try again later.
Same as the above; the website cannot be reached at this time.
Set Woocommerce Orders with Params Failed
504 Gateway Time-out
Same as the above; the website cannot be reached at this time. 
Set Woocommerce Orders with Params Failed
Unable to connect to the remote server
Same as the above; the website cannot be reached at this time. 
Set Woocommerce Orders with Params Failed
The remote name could not be resolved: ''
Same as the above; the website cannot be reached at this time.
Set Woocommerce Orders with Params Failed
Expecting state 'Element'.. Encountered 'Text' with name 
", namespace".
Same as the above; the website cannot be reached at this time.
Set Woocommerce Orders with Params Failed
There was an error deserializing the object of type System.Collections.Generic.List`1[[WooCommerceNET.WooCommerce.v2.Order, WooCommerce.NET, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=ff41d0b6c937438d]]. Encountered unexpected character '<'.

An error occurred checking for Orders
524 Origin Time-out
This error is caused by the website being unavailable at some point in the processing cycle.  This can be for many reasons, such as maintenance, server error or website error.  When this happens Woosage will skip to the end of the current processing cycle and try again in the next cycle. 
An error occurred checking for Orders
Error Establishing a Database connection

Sage Sales Order Import Missing Product in Sage 
Stock Code WGBUNDLE4045, Wastegate Bundle 40 & 45 not found in Sage.
An order contains a SKU code that was not found in Sage, which could be a result of a missing SKU code on Sage or an erroneous SKU on the website (e.g. typographical mistake).  The SKU must be added or corrected before re-processing.
Set Stock Quantity Failed
There was an error deserializing the object of type WooCommerceNET.WooCommerce.v2.Product. Encountered unexpected character '<'.
An unknown error occurred while processing a stock update. The stock level was not updated in the database and not updated on the website.
Set Stock Quantity Failed
Briefly unavailable for scheduled maintenance. Try again in a minute
Same as the above. 
Missing SKU code
SKU Code Missing - Order: 6635, line item: Just Wax 500cc Heater
SKU Code Missing
Sage Connection Failed
Program is in exclusive mode. Logon cannot proceed
Sage is in exclusive mode, which means a back-up or other process that requires exclusive use of the data is running. Woosage will skip to the end of the cycle and try again next time. 
Sage Connection Failed
Username is already in use
Woosage cannot connect to Sage as the username is already in use.

If the PC crashed, stopping the Woosage service abruptly, then it may have left Woosage appearing to be logged in to Sage, so you will need to force the Woosage user off Sage.  See the following Sage article
Sage Connection Failed
In order to use this feature you must update your Sage 50 Accounts SDO to version 
The Sage version on another computer may have been updated. Update the Woosage Sage or SDO version.
Sage Connection Failed
Invalid data path. Please check your connection settings. 
Woosage cannot access your sage data. This message can have several causes some of which may be temporary, such as period-end process in Sage, a Sage Import is being processed, Sage Drive issues.

Check the data path is correct before exploring other causes.
License not valid or missing
License not valid or missing
Missing or expired Woosage license key
An error occurred creating a product
Product SH-01, Broughton Shelving Unit - Error Msg: {"code":"product_invalid_sku","message":"Invalid or duplicated SKU.","data":{"status":400,"resource_id":5220}}
The product already exists as a draft product.
Sage Sales Order Import Missing Product In Sage
Stock Code R124X-4XL-BLACK/BLACK, Ripstop Workwear Softshell Jacket - Black/Black, 4XL not found in Sage.
Sales Order cant be imported to Sage due to missing stock item

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