Tax Code Mapping

Tax Code Mapping

This article covers setting up the tax codes in WOssage, which allows you to map tax codes from WooCommerce to Sage.  It assumes that you have correctly setup taxes in WooCommerce based on the type of products you sell and where your customers are located.  If you are unsure, you may wish to read the articles in Dealing with Tax before reading this.

Note: WooCommerce tax calculations MUST be enabled.  At least one tax code must be created and the tax class it belongs to applied to products.  This applies even if the website sells exclusively to the consumers to ensure that tax records are created and passed to Sage.

Tax codes are defined in WooCommerce, based on rates for different regions. For example, GB-VAT-1 might be the tax code for UK VAT, which is 20%. In Sage, tax codes are known as "T" codes and range from T0 to T99 to define a tax treatment.  For example, T1 would normally be UK VAT at 20%.  In order to ensure that taxes are correctly allocated in Sage the WooCommerce codes must be mapped to the Sage codes using the Tax Codes tab in Woosage.

On the Map Tax Codes: line in the Tax Codes tab (as shown above), enter the WooCommerce tax code (e.g. GB-VAT-1), then use the dropdown to select the Sage T code and click the Map Code button.  This will add the code to the table and the process can be repeated fro all tax code in WooCommerce.

To delete a mapped code click the red X on the relevant line.

If an order is processed and a line item or shipping charge has not got a tax code, then the default, as defined in the Website Settings, will be used.

A more detail explanation of tax codes and processing can be found at at Dealing with Tax

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