The Sage Data Path is the location the Sage company data on your local PC or server. To find the data path open Sage and select Help>About and look for the Data Directory under Program Details.
The the full file path is requires to the Woosage50>Settings>Sage>Sage data path setting, the the ACCDATA folder append (\ACCDATA)
If your data is on a local drive (e.g. C:\) the use the format C:\FolderName\ACCDATA (substitute C, where the Sage Data is held on another drive).
If your Sage data resides on a server, but Woosage50 is on a different device, don’t use the mapped drive format similar to above, but use the UNC format instead (e.g. \\ServerName\FolderName\ACCDATA) and check that the folder can be accessed using the Local System account, which will depend on your local IT security policies and it may need a separate Windows account on your network with the relevant permissions.
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