Restore Orders from Website Following Restoration of Sage Backup

Restore Orders from Website Following Restoration of Sage Backup

If for any reason Sage is updated from a backup, you can restore orders from the website using the following procedure.

In the Woosage Control Centre go to Woosage>Utilities
  1. Stop the Woosage Service 
  2. Scroll down to Clear Database Tables and tick Orders
  3. Click the red Clear Tables button
  4. Go to Settings>Website and change the WooCommerce Order Window to cover the number of days you want to restore orders for, making a note of the previous setting
  5. Click Save Settings

In the website go to WooCommerce>Orders
  1. Using the checkbox in the first column, tick the all the orders you want to restore
  2. Use the Bulk Actions dropdown at the top of the page and select Mark Not Exported To Sage
  3. Click the Apply button next to the dropdown

In the Woosage Control Centre go to Woosage>Utilities
  1. Start the Woosage Service 

The orders should then be re-imported to Sage.

When complete restore the WooCommerce Order Window to it previous setting

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