Order Processing

Order Processing

Orders placed in WooCommerce will automatically transfer when the order status is PROCESSING. This state usually indicates that the order has been placed and paid for.

Note: if you have set Woosage to transfer orders with other status conditions, then they will apply.
The process is initiated by the Woosage service on your local network by using the WooCommerce REST API to check the website for new orders that have not yet been transferred, as follows:
  1. Woosage checks for orders in a PROCESSING state in the last X days (X is the Order Window value from the Settings), any marked as exported are ignored and they are pulled from the website.
  2. They are then stored in the Woosage database, unless they have previously been stored, in which case they are ignored.
  3. Woosage then takes the orders from the local database and imports them to Sage.
  4. Once successfully imported they are marked as exported on the website, which adds a tick in the Sage Export column on the WooCommerce Orders page.

When orders are transferred, they are stored in a local database, which can be viewed via the Woosage Control Centre to check the status of order imports. 

The Woosage Control Centre application does not have to be running to transfer orders, this is just a means of examining the status of orders pulled from WooCommerce and making changes to the settings. 

Orders are imported to Sage as Sales Orders or Sales Invoices (defined in settings) and the order/invoice number is incremented automatically by Sage.  The WooCommerce order number is stored in the Sage Customer Order Notes field as “Web Order: xxx” (or with the prefix defined in the settings) and the WooCommerce order ID, which may be the same as the order number, is added to the first line of the Notes section of the Sage Sales Order tab in Sage, along with the currency code, as shown below. Additionally, if you are using one of the supported EU VAT plugins the validated VAT number will appear in the second line of the Notes section and any customer notes placed in the WooCommerce order will be shown on the third line.  Note that the lines in the Sage Notes box are not fully visible and selecting each line in Sage will reveal the rest of the information.

If the customer note is more than 60 characters then it is truncated, so you are advised to check the WooCommerce order. 
If Payments are not enabled, then payment is not shown in the order and the order value is left as an amount due.  

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