Order Information Posted to Sage

Order Information Posted to Sage

Woosage posts information from the WooCommerce Orders into Sage Sales Orders or Invoices in the following sections (as per Sage Order tabs):


  1. Billing address details are posted unless the billing address override is off, using the settings from Settings>Customers 
  2. A/C is set as the default Sage Account Code or a specific customer account code, if used (can be searched in Sage on email address or from WP profile)
  3. The date is the date of the order.
  4. The Customer Order No. is populated with the WooCommerce Order  number in the form Web Order: 7654 (prefix is in settings)
  5. Order line items use the SKU from the WooCommerce order to retrieve the product description and the quantity, price, net and VAT are populated from the WooCommerce order. There is an option to use the website description in the order/invoice
  6. Carriage and totals are also posted from the WooCommerce order.


  1. Delivery address details are posted unless the delivery address override is off, using the settings from Settings>Customers 
  2. Notes contains the WooCommerce order number, the currency ISO code, the customer VAT number (if EU VAT plugins are used) and any customer notes (customer notes in WooCommerce hold more text, so may be truncated to 60 characters).
  3. Customer Order Details are populated with the billing name and telephone number, with the Order Taken By optionally populated with the text from Settings>Sage.
  4. Sage custom Fields (Analysis1, Anlysis2 and Analysis3) can be populated with data from WooCommerce Order custom fields as defined in teh Woosage plugin settings. Also see Using Custom Fields
  1. Carriage Net and VAT fields are populated from the WooCommerce order and the carriage nominal code (N/C) field is defined in Settings>Sage.
  2. Tax codes will be set according to the tax code mappings in Configuration>Tax Codes.
  3. The Global N/C, Details and Department are optionally set based on Settings>Sage. Otherwise Sage defaults are used.


  1. Payment Ref will be the text defined in the settings for this payment method in Configuration>Payment Methods.
  2. The bank account nominal code will be set from the payment mappings in Configuration>Payment Methods.
  3. Payment amount will be taken from the WooCommerce order.
  4. Payment type will be Payment already received.

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