Order Classifications

Order Classifications

Woosage50 provides a range of setting to allow you to override your default nominal and department code settings in Sage when Woosage is processing orders. If you do not want to override the Sage defaults for nominal codes or department codes, then you can ignore these settings.

Sales Nominal Codes

By default, Sage posts product sales invoices to the sales nominal code associated with each product, regardless of whether the invoice is created directly or via a sales order. Each line item will show in Activity as a transaction with the appropriate nominal code when posting (in addition to a separate carriage transaction). 

Woosage can override the default nominal codes by using the sales nominal codes from:

Customer Records - uses the product sales nominal codes specified in each customer record (set Override Product Nominal to Yes).

Specified Product Nominal Code - uses the nominal code specified for ALL products in the orders (set Sage Product Nominal Code to required nominal).

Global Sales Nominal Code - uses the nominal code and details specified to allocate the entire net invoice to the specified nominal codes as a single transaction (set Sales Global Nominal Code and Sales Global Details, as required).

Note: if you are using multiple currencies, the sales nominal code may be overridden for orders in non-base currency, as defined in the Currencies section.

Product Department Codes

By default, Sage posts product sales invoices to the department associated with each product, regardless of whether the invoice is created directly or via a sales order. 

Woosage can override the default department by using the department settings from:

Customer Records - use the department specified in each customer record (set Override Product Department to Yes).

Specified Product Department Code - use the department specified for ALL products in the orders (set Sage Product Department Number to required department code).

Global Department code - use the department code specified to allocate the entire net invoice to the specified department (set Sage Global Department Number to required department code).

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