Last Order & Other Product Meta Data

Last Order & Other Product Meta Data

When Woosage50 updates website product data from Sage there are options to include Sage product data items that are not readily available in WooCommerce (e.g. barcode), so Woosage creates and populates custom fields with this data when these options are enabled.  There are two separate settings for this in Woosage50>Settings>Products, as follows.
  1. Last Order - updates website products with the last product purchase order details from Sage as product meta (custom fields).
  2. Other Product Meta - updates website products with a range of other data items from Sage as product meta (custom fields).
Enabling these settings will instruct Woosage to update the website product with the data from Sage as described in the following sections.

Last Order Updates

If enabled Woosage will populate the following custom fields for each product.
Last order quantity - from the last purchase order for this stock item in Sage.
Key: _woosage_last_order_quantity  Type: integer
Last order date - the date of the last purchase order for this stock item in Sage.
Key: _woosage_last_order_date  Type: date-time
Last order due date - the due date (if entered) from the last purchase order for this stock item in Sage.
Key: _woosage_last_order_due_date  Type: date-time
Website developers can use the custom field names (keys) to present the information in the front-end product pages when items are out of stock.

Note. the last order custom fields are populated regardless of stock or backorder status and the developer is responsible for determining under which conditions the fields are displayed in the product pages (or elsewhere).

Other Product Meta Updates

If enabled Woosage will populate the following custom fields for each product and website developer can use them as required.  All the fields are populated from data in the Sage Product Record>Details tab, with the exception of the three Custom Category fields, which are taken from the Product Record>Web tab.
Part number 
Key: _woosage_part_number  Type: string
Key: _woosage_location  Type: string
Unit of sale
Key: _woosage_unit_of_sale  Type: string
Country origin
Key: _woosage_country_origin  Type: string
Supplier unit quantity
Key: _woosage_supplier_unit_quantity  Type: string
Intrastat code
Key: _woosage_intrastat_code  Type: string
Commodity code description
Key: _woosage_commodity_code  Type: string
Key: _woosage_barcode  Type: string
Custom category A
Key: _woosage_web_category_1  Type: string
Custom category B
Key: _woosage_web_category_2  Type: string
Custom category C
Key: _woosage_web_category_3  Type: string
Note. Some clients use these fields for differently to the purpose suggested by the name. Woosage does not apply any checks on the data and imports it to the website "as is".

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