Issues with the Woosage50Service Connecting to the Website

Issues with the Woosage50Service Connecting to the Website

Occasionally, we encounter issue when the Woosage50 Service tires to connect to the website, due to website security settings. Common causes and solutions are:

Website blocks APIs – solution is to white list the API https://[site-name]/wp-json/woosage/* (* is wildcard, which may be different, depending on security plugin)

Website caches APIs – solution is cache plugin dependant (more information in this article)

Website doesn’t allow basic authentication method – solution if to set service to authenticate using OAuth 1.0 instead of passing credentials as parameters. To do this open the file C:\Program Files (x86)\Woosage50Service\Woosage50Service\appsettings.json in Notepad, or a similar txt editor, as an Administrator, locate the the WcRestOptions section and change UseOAuth1 key value to true.

Website blocks unknown user agents – solution is security plugin dependant, but add Woosage/50 as an allowed user agent. If the problems persists try changing the UserAgent key in the appsettings.json file to one of the common browser user agents, such as Mozilla/5.0, AppleWebKit/537.36, Chrome/ or Safari/537.36

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