Bundled and Composite Products

Bundled and Composite Products


Bundles Product are groups of products that can be purchased together, usually at a discounted rate.  Composite Products are similar, but present different components (product options) based on customer selections.

When the customer adds either of these product types to the cart and place an order, the item consists of a bundled or composite product (parent) and a number components (children) as separate order line items.  For example, if a bundle with 2 components products is ordered, then the order will contain 3 line items - the 2 components and the bundle.

Note: We currently only support the official WooCommerce plugins Product Bundles and Composite Products.  Woosage may work with others, but they have not been tested by us.

Setup and Processing

Because the order contains the parent item in addition to the components, the parent item (bundle or composite) must be given a SKU in WooCommerce and this must also be added as a Product on Sage.  As it has no stock, it can be created as a non stock item with only the Product Code (SKU), but a description should be used to help identify it as a composite or bundle (e.g. Composite Parent - Not Used).

Bundled or composite Parent
Not used by Sage. Can be a non-stock item
A component of the bundle or composite (Child)
This must be a product on Sage
Another component of the composite or bundle (Child)
This must be a product on Sage

Enable Duplicate SKUs in WooCommerce

An alternative is to change WooCommerce to allow duplicate SKU code, which will then enable you to use a single SKU for all composite/bundle parents on Sage and in WooCommerce (e.g. Composite Parent COMP-01).  There are plugins to change WooCommerce to duplicate SKUs, but the easiest way is to add the following code snippet to your functions.php file

/* Allow duplicate SKUs */
add_filter( 'wc_product_has_unique_sku', '__return_false' );

If you chose to implement duplicate SKUs then it may help to select Use Web Product Names in Settings>Sage.

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