Bulk Import of Sage Account Codes from Sage to Wordpress

Bulk Import of Sage Account Codes from Sage to Wordpress


Assuming you have first installed the Woosage plugin on your website, you can add Sage Accounts Code to User Profiles.

Warning.  If you are making changes to a live website we strongly advise you to take a database backup prior to carrying out the Import stage of this process.

If you want to apply Sage Account Codes to existing website users (customers) you can use the following plugin to export and import users:

The Woosage plugin should be installed and we recommend you take a WordPress database backup before you start.  Then follow these steps:

Use the plugin to extract all the user details to a CSV file (see detailed instructions below). The plugin settings and usage is at Tools>Import and export users and customers. 

Modify the CSV file to remove all data except the username email address and Sage account fields as shown below. Add the Sage codes by matching on the email address or username (user_login), which are unique among WP users. Do not change the order of the field (column) headings.


If you only need to import users (i.e. you already have a list of email addresses and Sage account codes) you can modify the field headings to match those shown above.

Alternatively is you have email and Sage account code (e.g. from a Sage extract - see below) copy the email address to the username (ie. duplicate the colum but leave teh username & email headings).

Use the plugin to import the CSV file containing the email addresses and Sage account codes (see detailed instructions below).


Go to Tools>Import and export users and customers in the website back-end and select the Export tab. 

Then select the Customers from the drop-down list of roles.

Ignore the date and time fields and leave the delimiter as Comma then click the Download button.

The file will be downloaded as export-users.


Go to Tools>Import and export users and customers in the website back-end and select the Import tab. 

Click Choose File and browse for the CSV file you wish to import.

In Default role tick Customer (this will not be used) and select Leave the old value for this metadata

Leave the 2 email options unticked if you don't want to notify the users.


Yes for Update Existing users,
No, skip this user for Update Emails and
No for Update roles for existing users

In the Never update password dropdown Select Never Update Passwords when updating user

Under the section  Users not present… section leave both options unticked

Click Start Importing

The users will be updated with the Sage account codes and a summary of the changes will be shown when complete.

Using a Sage Export to Create New Website Users

If you don't have an existing Sage customer extract report you can use the one we provide to create a CSV file with the customer account code, name & email addresses. 

The Sage report is available to download here.

Click on Customer Emails.Report and select download.

Double-clicking the file should open it in Sage Report Designer, but if you want to run it from Sage 50 Accounts>Customers>Reports you should add it to relevant reports folder, which would typically be something like:

C:\ProgramData\Sage\Accounts\2024\Company.000\REPORTS\Customer\My Customer Reports

Run the report and export the results as a CSV file, then amend as necessary to format it for import using the import plugin above.

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