Woosage supports the application of Customer and Special Price Lists to customer roles in WooCommerce.
Each Customer Price List is mapped to a website role that will apply the relevant prices to customers using a 3rd party Role Based Pricing plugin and and this article explains how to create new customers with role based prices linked to a Sage price list or special prices for Woosage customers using the Elex plugin.

Note: the free version of the Elex plugin doesn't support product variations.
Customer Prices Lists and Special Prices in Sage are variations to a product Selling Price, with Customer Price Lists normally applying to groups of customers and Special Prices apply to individual customers. The way we implement this in Woosage is to create price lists for customers by combining any Customer Price List they are on with any Special Prices that they have. If a customer is on a Customer Price List, but doesn't have any Special Prices then their prices list name and associated role on the website will be the name of the price list in Sage. If the customer has any special prices, regardless of whether they are on a Customer Price List, then their price list name and associated role will be their Sage customer account code. This is referred to as the Price Reference.

Woosage does not support Customer Price Lists that have the same name as any customer account code and Customers with Special Prices must have a website role named as their Sage customer account code. If any Customer Price List has the same name as a customer account code then the procedure described
here must be carried out.
Adding a New Customer
Having setup a new customer account in Sage and assigned a Customer Price List and/or given them some Special Prices, you will need to add the customer to the website and the first step is to create their role (if not already created).
A role is a label applied to a set of capabilities or privileges, which can then be assigned to a user, so the first thing to do is create the role and the plugin has an in-built facility to manage user roles, which can be found at WooCommerce>Settings>Role-Based Pricing>Manage User Roles>Add Custom User Role. The roles, which should be named exactly as the price list name or Sage customer account code (if the customer has any Special Prices). Add the role name to the Role Name field and click the Save Role button.

Note: Sage account codes and customer price list name will always be in capital letters, so ensure they are entered in the Role Name field as capitals.
Having setup the role add the roles to the settings field shown below at WooCommerce>Settings>Role-Based Pricing>Role Based Settings
This will allow Woosage to populate the individual product prices for each role, as shown below, when a Woosage Price List update runs.
This role then must be added to the customers User Profile in order to associate the customer with the product prices. Do this by selecting the role from the dropdown in the user profile when creating or amending the user (navigate to Users in the website dashboard)